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The Rent. Strike. Bargain. Campaign aims to build power through solidarity between tenants and labour across British Columbia, with the ultimate goal of winning the right for renters to collectively bargain & form tenant unions.


Tenants and labour have fought hand in hand throughout the history of so-called “British Columbia” to push policy change that benefits the worker & renter. Right now, people in BC are facing the reality of rents that are rising much faster than wages, with little security against abuses such as renoviction. We strongly believe that real tenant unions with real collective bargaining power are the strongest step to building real security & real capacity for renters' rights.


Workers deserve a union in the home as much as they deserve a union on the job. Collective bargaining & tenant unions alone won’t be the solution to the housing crisis, but it is the best way to build tenant power & solidarity between renters and labour. Tenant unions will protect our communities by putting the power back in tenants' & workers' hands to secure their housing & neighbourhoods.


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